Unconditional Love

“The only way you can love another person unconditionally, intensely and genuinely is by walking down the enlightened path of realization, convinced that you merit that kind of unselfish love yourself; and you augustly shower it upon your own soul first before you serve it from the sacred chalice of your heart to others.”

-The Little Mermaid, MMXVI

Author: The Little Mermaid

My soul is an enthralling mystery, delicately concocted with some chaos and a little glee.

265 thoughts on “Unconditional Love”

  1. Sadly, there are too many distractions today that tell us that we are not good enough – TV, media, and our concerns about what “others might think.” Overcoming these distractions is the first step to loving ourselves and then helping those we care about overcome their distractions so they can love us back, unconditionally.

    1. This is the fundamental challenge, Andrew-to successfully overcome all these external pressures which cause us to feel we are ‘not good enough’. Easier said than done, I know. But once you find your true self amidst the crowd, you accept that person and you love him/her for who he/she is, loving another being would automatically be the purest manifestation of complete love.

  2. Beautifully expressed… Loving unconditionally is more a behavior versus a feeling. Loving is the act of extending ourselves, vulnerabilities and all, into uncharted emotional territory with the belief that regardless of the outcome, we want to benefit another person.Ā 

      1. unconditional love is not something you can achieve, or work on, or grow too. It just happens. And usually you don’t even realize it.

        That is the beauty of unconditional love, it does not take any effort at all..šŸŒ

    1. Contradictory much, huh?

      If I may put in my two cents worth, unconditional love is omnipresent. It can be in the form of the love expressed by a romantic lover, a mother, a guru or a stranger you just met. Do you know how the fog of confusion arises? Do you know why there are so many people, like you, who are obliviously pessimistic towards the idea of absolute love? The reason is because we, unfortunately, tend to muddle it up with relationships. Unconditional love is limitless- it is something beyond time, age and status. A relationship, on the other hand, is a social institution which is made up of an implied set of norms and boundaries. Expecting to give or receive unconditional love within the frames of a relationship is too fanciful. But once you look outside the window with an open mind and an open heart, at that very moment you are ready to experience unconditional love. So yes, believe it happens, sweetheart. :))

      1. Haha.. I think you have done a PHD on unconditional love.. well done.. I never said in my above comment that it doesn’t exist. . What i said is exceptions are always there.. Lemme tell you when a mother gives birth and takes her child, she promises unconditional love.. When a father bends his knees to become a ride for his kid he gives unconditional love.. When a woman leaves her surname and her life, she learns to give unconditional love.. You called me pessimist.. hah.. I am a pessimist for those who looks at world with one eye.. I believe in looking at odds too.. I have seen and heard numerous people cheating their partners, parents, etc etc.. I have Met people who were back stabbed while giving their unconditional love.. AND the biggest example, Our love for our god is unconditional.. I believe it happens but not all are that lucky like you.. ā˜ŗ

        1. I still maintain that unconditional love exists and it is to be experienced outside the parameters of normal human relationships. I assume I may be on a collision course with you, but allow me to add that it does not take luck to find that treasure. It takes only a receptive mind and a big heart.

          Thanks for the comment that engendered an interesting discussion.

          Best wishes to you! šŸ™‚

          1. We all have a big heart, I believe and I don’t the see the point of receptive mind here.. Anyways we all must be ever ready to hear others also and May be we get a new thing to learn from them.. Conversations shall remain forever..

      2. I remember like my 12th grade year in high school. Me and my girl at that time had been together since we where like 12. During our senior year we started going out in this big group on the weekends . My friends and her friends, her best friend at that time and I had known each other even longer then me and my girl had been dating. But we never spoke like that just high and by . But after these group outting we started talking more often then it became this thing where no matter what we were doing we would just gravitate to each other. It got to the point I couldn’t think about anything else , me and my girl at the time lost are virginity to each other she was planning out our future. And all I could do was think about this girl c. one day I just couldn’t take it anymore I’m sitting in a movie theater with my girl I can’t focuse on the movie so I send c a text. Listen I’m sweating bullets 20 minutes go by no response all of a sudden my girl gets a message I start panicking but I try and play it cool. But it just so happened to c she ask my girl where she was and if I was with her . She’s like yea we’re at movie. So she tells my girl she wants to hang afterwards my girls is like no she has to work tomorrow. But I noticed she never said anything about my message which wasn’t anything bad I just asked her what she was up to. After the movie I take my girl home go to the park and just sit there trying to get a grip. But this feeling was just so overwhelming I call c I tell her to meet me at the park. To my surprise she actually shows up. It was like 12 at this point so I’m really surprise it was the first time it was just me and her. We sat there quite for like a good 30 minutes we wouldn’t even make eye contact . We both could feel the energy between us mixed with the confusion. We stayed in the park till 6am just talking.

      3. Me and c ended up dating for 12 years but that experience taught me a lot about love. How uncontrollable and overwhelming love can be. I love my girl but what I felt for c it was diffrent we spent 3 months no sex or nothing . Just finding ways to sneak off and talk we would talk until we had to wake up for school or work. I’ll be 31 in November I still ain’t never feel nothing like that. There are people who never do there are diffrent forms of love that of a parent is a naturing and protecting love. Relationship is like this enigma you can spend a lifetime thinking your with the right person then out of blue things change. With a child there’s a responsibility but relationship to me is more complex because when two people can walk away from each other no strings attached but refuse to by any means that’s saying lot.

    2. Are you quiet sure of this?
      Yes or No?
      Ms Zaira Khan says you don’t realize it?
      Have you ever had a tooth ache and stubbed your foot and broke 2 toes?
      No effort? Like being strapped to a speeding Locomotive and suddenly it slams into one of the new model Diesel Electrics. Funny thing is, you don’t feel a thing.
      All you can see is her, you could drag a full team of locomotives upstream in a rip tide,
      but hurt???? Everytime she looks your way it feels like a dragline rips a hole in your chest and starts digging your heart out one, ripping each skin cell into billions of electrons, then another, as you are now dragging the weight of the whole world up niagra falls now.
      But this is like telling an Eskimo how tea is with ice in it.
      But somewhere, sooner or later, there is going to be a maid Marion that hears Robin Hood off in the forest, where his heart slammed into a tree….
      And that is when he will brave a rip tide just to show everybody in some archery contest that HE IS THE MAN, because he sees his love looking like she has a bad tooth when just as she is dragging her friends back, she takes aim, and her toes does not get broke as she flies upstream and slams into that Locomotive as his last arrow splits every other one in half.
      So YES, in a world full of EROS,
      A tiny bit of Philia left,
      Just when Storge is nearly forgotten,
      Someone realizes Bryan Adams is singing while Robin Hood is Lip Syncing,
      But she don’t care because he is looking at her when he lip syncs HE WILL DIVE FOR YOU….
      A guppie???
      NO, she is a MERMAID
      and it is AGAPE.

  3. Yes, well put and an important lesson. I learned it after we broke up; I realized I hadnā€™t loved myself unconditionally, first. Conditions crept in to our love, if you get my gist. Most popular music doesnā€™t reflect this insight in my opinion.

    1. Many relationships fail today because we recognize and accept another person’s strengths and weaknesses, while turning a blind eye to our self-satisfaction and inner fears. Everything might be rosy in the beginning of the relationship but somewhere, along the way, the one who didn’t love himself/herself unconditionally will be lost.

      I hope you’ve learnt the lesson and take it very positively.

      Unconditional love and light to you X

      You stay right here in the 21st century,
      HEY, I could sell rugs,
      where is that guppy,
      WAIT…. I am experienced with rugs,
      I might make a fortune for you,
      WAIT for meeee,
      I could DYE for you….

  4. Beautifully put, Ms Mermaid. Life itself changes when we grasp this important truth. Without unconditional love and acceptance of self, other forms of love are surreal.

  5. Well said!! Lovely thoughtšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ
    It is also said that you should love yourself before loving others.

  6. Wonderful Blog, Ms. Mermaid. I agree with everything you say. And you said it in such a beautiful way. I lived alone for many years; therefore, I have come to realize that your remarks on loving oneself are absolutely true. Perhaps it goes back to the ancient philosopher’s statement, “Know thyself.”

    And thank you so so much for taking an interest in my blog. I look forward to more of your posts! šŸ™‚

  7. Those who have given their fragile hearts to loved ones of another species can experience unconditional love and acceptance.
    I found that it was this experience that showed me, taught me, that I, too, can give unconditional love. Anyone can.
    It’s not about loving yourself or sacrifice.
    It’s about understanding how the human mind is like a torrent of rain in the canyons of our lives. It cascades its so-called thoughts upon us relentlessly.
    We must see life from the perspective of the canyon.
    Ebb and flow at will.
    Here I remain, of rock, and unchanged.

    Love one another.


  8. What oft is thought but takes a creative soul to lend such a fine expression to. True love is extending oneself to complement the other, and vice versa. Thanks mermaid for liking one of my comments in common network and in the process enabling a view of your chalice.

  9. True indeed…because love is not something that happens to you…love is a state of being which you achieve when you reach a beautiful state of mind..loved the quote..

            1. yes of course. who doesnt?
              for the things you write i am pretty sure there’s only genuine appreciation tht follows…..
              nice to meet you mermaid……
              I am Ishan šŸ™‚

  10. One man of God defines ‘agape’, the Greek word for love as, “A love called out of the heart of a lover, on account of the value the lover places on the object of his love”. Jesus loves unconditionally. He decided on His own to love flourishingly. Amen. I love your so beautifully worded post.

    1. Thanks for sharing your insight Ojewale. As always, I get to learn something new from each of your comments. Today, you taught me what “Agape” means, in a biblical sense.

      I do appreciate your contributions to my posts. šŸ™‚

  11. Absolutely! Beautiful words and message.
    Love, unconditional or even not – true love – can only be “given” (shared) by someone who doesn’t need love because he/she loves him-/herself more than enough that in fact there is more to extend to others without expecting anything in return. I do think though that unconditional love can be present in the other kinds of love, too, be it romantic, familial or platonic..

      1. Aw, thanks so much! I really appreciate your comment/compliment šŸ˜Šā¤ļø We all do our best to be our best versions, right? Love to you, too. I’m happy to have met you here. šŸ˜Š

  12. Unconditional love is not acquired it slowly seeps into your being.When we look at relationship beyond self fulfillment and with a open mind and heart there is love everywhere .One has to be perceptive as well as receptive towards it.

  13. The love of interdependence…. A rare happening but if it happens both are in Paradise….. Two people nor dependent or independent but in a tremendous synchronicity, just like one Soul but two bodies, just like breathing for each other, just like living for each other… A love with nothing called conditional or unconditional….. A gift from every inch to each other…. A pure Love.

      1. From heart you are welcome Little Mermaid….. Beautiful things, words and people need to be appreciated and this makes them more beautiful.
        We are here to spread fragrance of love and joy and life will then fill us with what we give.

        Yes it would be my honor to be in touch. Thank you
        NAMASTE šŸ™

  14. Hello and thank you for enjoying my comments. We all have different beliefs but we’re all people just the same. You’re right that we must first love ourselves before we can love someone else. Take care now.

  15. Bonsoir prends le temps
    D’aimer,de rire,de pleurer
    De lire , d’Ć©couter l’intelligence
    De penser ,de jouer cela rappelle notre enfance
    De rĆŖver , surtout de vivre car le temps passe vite
    Et surtout le bonheur d avoir des amis ou amies
    Je te souhaite une belle journƩe , une belle fin de semaine

    Belle semaine aussi Ć  tes amis et amies , Ć  ta famille et tous ceux qui de l importance pour toi


    Gros bisous.


  16. Thanks for your like on Crimson And Clover; I am now following your blog. Please have a good day.

  17. Do to others what you would have them do to you and so of course, Love others as you would have them Love you.
    “Be at peace with your own soul; then heaven and earth will be at peace with you.”

      1. Being still is a difficult thing to learn, particularly when you’re my age! I try though. Happy weekend to you too.

  18. Its so true that once you love yourself you can open your heart to others. But the hard thing for people is to love themself, be happy for what they are. I always say loving myself is the positive start in my life.

    1. Indeed, Patricia. Perhaps it is hard because people are bullied into feeling inferior by their peer, competition, ads, ect..If only they knew they are beautiful with their perfect imperfections!

      Living positively is a truly enriching journey that you are on. I admire you.

      Stay blessed and pretty! X

      1. Yes thats true i know the feeling of being bullied its hard and makes you feel less then others if you dont believe in yourself its hard to get out of that depressing but not impossible. We all know that we are beautiful the problem is believing it. It doesn’t matter what people say and how they look at you. You just have to look at yourself and get to know the really you. People will say your ugly, fat, nerd ect… but those people only bullied you because they feel the need to make themself feel better but in the end they still are the same. Im going to tell you all that once you find your real self you will not care what people think of you. You will feel free and open to your own heart. Thank you for your amazing words The Little Mermaid. I will and hope that you, as well as others do as well. Remember your all beautiful in your own ways.

    1. I believe that what you give is what you receive. The law of karma is not only a theoretical hypothesis but a scientific veracity. Even Newton’s third law speaks along this line. Treating others with respect will definitely earn you respect.

      I’m glad you value people in a world where material things have taken the upper hand. You’re awesome. Hugs X

  19. First learn to love the person inside you – in spite of what you think are your faults – that’s just your thinking – you are perfect just as you are – there is nothing you need to do except be yourself….

    1. So true. I love people who are their real, weird, beautiful and magical self. There’s something about them. They are the ones who truly recognize and enjoy the gift of life.

      Thanks for your input. Have a great weekend ahead! X

  20. When you talk of love I understand it to be genuine love that is unselfish and caring to people with no strings attached. That is unconditional love or agape love that Jesus taught us in the holy scripture. Thank you for stimulating my mind about it.

    1. I think Bertrand Russell’s stellar interpretation of unconditional love as a condition of ‘absolute value’ as opposed to ‘relative value’ best describes the kind of love Jesus taught us (Agape). There is much depth in it. You make me want to read the Bible.

      It was a pleasure to interact with you. Have a great day!šŸŒ»

          1. Terrific post, Mermaid! Keep on writing these provocative meditations šŸ™‚

            I agree with Safrebiz – in my weakness, I cannot always love as I should. Yet even when I fail to love myself or others, God’s love reaches me! He says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3. I am older than you and I struggled for many years to love myself. How wonderful to discover that God loves perfectly, sacrificially, completely – not based on earning His affection šŸ˜€

            The Bible’s a pretty big book! It’s comprised of many books, so I might recommend modifying your goal to read one book at a time… maybe beginning with the Book of John – here’s a website I like to use šŸ™‚ Keep on seeking!! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+1&version=NASB

                1. Hi, reading and replying to the comments is nothing short of a pleasure because each and every one of you is special to me. I can always count on your best wishes and blessings to light up my world. šŸ™‚

                  See you around! X

  21. In all my efforts to love I fall miserably short. I have found that the virtue of love has been hijacked by an impostor called lust. But alas, when love was truly revealed in my heart, I discovered the freedom to love and to be loved at the revelation of unconditional love. I cannot generate this kind of love on my own volition for I am an imperfect human in pursuit of perfect. Unconditional love must come from the source, the Lord God Almighty, then I can become a conduit through which that love can flow. Amen.

  22. I also appreciate your “like.”

    If I had practiced the attitude described in this profound, yet simple, statement, I’m pretty sure I could have led a different life. But now, in my 60s, I’m beginning to understand that loving myself generates love and acceptance for those with whom I share this place.

  23. Our culture focuses almost obsessively on self-love. The sentiment quoted here is, I think, different and especially important to abuse survivors. Those who were not valued as children often will settle for partners who do not value them. If we love and nourish our children, they are more likely to have healthy adult lives. ā¤

  24. If you don’t love yourself (not in a narcissatic way) you will never attract the love you deserve to have. It is truly refreshing when you have a self love then you open up the possibilities for true to enter…great post!

  25. I think unconditional love is extremely important. As humans we all have our faults, and we are quick to judge. I like the following quote from Mother Teresa….”If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” I always take the sum of the whole. The whole person must be considered for unconditional love. It’s easy to discount someone as unworthy of unconditional love when you only see their faults and not their strengths as well. Kevin

    1. Absolutely Kevin. Human fallibility is our birthright. The moment we own this truth, we will start judging less and loving one another more.

      Thanks for the lovely comment. Best wishes šŸ™‚

  26. Thanks for sharing and for your like on my blog. Agree with this sentiment – I feel if we don’t love ourselves then we are unable to love another properly. I share the same sentiment. Peace and blessings šŸ™‚

  27. Technology is making the world smaller. It is affording people of all nations to get to know each other on a more personal level. It is closing the social gap and making people realize that no matter where you live we basically all want the same thing in life. Peace, love, and harmony in nature. Closing the cultural gap and realizing that we may have different traditions but we are all basically the same race. The human race and all want the same thing. Love and respect. If we stop making social stations more important than love and kindness maybe we can all live in harmony.
    I loved reading this post, it lets me know that there is hope for all. Well done. :o)

  28. Yes, you need to love yourself. That is one of the three loves Jesus has commanded us to give. However, unconditional love comes from a warm heart. A heart that willingly loves, gives, and serves. Jesus gives us the commandment to love others. I truly believe others before you love yourself. Unconditional love includes loving another person above yourself , but after God. True, you do need to love yourself in order to fully love someone else.

    1. Thank you for the comment E.D. Forgive me but I don’t quite share the same views as you. It is said that we cannot pour from an empty cup. I believe a healthy relationship with ourselves is paramount in allowing us to extend love with others. How can you possibly give something wholeheartedly which you don’t possess yourself?

      Best wishes to you X

  29. (Thank you for the like) I have crawled out of the pit of mental illness not by just medication, but by the love of Jesus. And not just the love of Jesus, but by the love of Jesus with skin on. I was unlovely but Jesus sent someone with his love to love me. They were afraid to talk to me, but when they did I found love. And eventually their, and other’s, consistent love of me convinced me that I could risk loving myself too. Now I can risk loving others as I have been loved.

    1. That love was within you, lying dormant, for any reason. They revived it. They discovered and showed you your light. The goodness is always in you first. Don’t forget.

      Thanks for the comment. Stay blessed and loved! X

  30. I read your thought on ‘unconditional love’ once again, because I needed to. There’s another view from unconditional love I hadn’t thought about. What about those that reject this love, because of thier lack of self worth. So wouldn’t it be just as important to learn what it is to receive unconditional love as it is to give it? I may be entering a conversation on
    semantics ā˜ŗ.
    I’m just thinking out loud.

  31. And so beautifully said…it is only when we give that love to ourselves that we understand that unconditional love…and can then give from that place šŸ˜€
    Thank you for sharing that love ā¤

    1. That’s right. However, unconditional love is, by definition and in itself, an independent variable. Unconditional love is to love another person selflessly, regardless of how the latter feels for you.

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