Propelling Your Blog As The Next Hot Ticket Item

Eureka! I’ve finally discovered the secret to blogging success! The good news is that I can’t wait to share the magic potion with all of you! Whoot!


Let’s get started…

What is ‘blogging success’ at the outset? Is it something achievable? Is it quantifiable? For me, a successful blog is one that is loved by all. A blog that is pampered in its niche attracts thousands of visitors, garners hundreds of likes and is home to a never-ending string of comments. A successful blog stands out from the rest because, well, it is amazeballs. But what does it take for an amateur to get there? Did it cross your mind at some point in time that those established bloggers were starters, like you? Yeah? Good!

1. Passion


Passion is the key to unlock the door to blogging success. When you blog, you have to do it out of love, for its own sake; and not for money or for digital attention. Let me share my story with you. As a little child, whenever I was sad or depressed, I closed myself in my room, took a paper and scribbled down my woes. Sometimes they would be letters which I would write to God while at other times I’d be producing personal journals. It turned out that when I looked back the day after and read my musings, they were way better than what I’d have written had I not been miserable. And quite funnily, I would treasure those writings in a well-hidden precious box to re-read them again and again. (I still haven’t let go of this habit.) All just to tell you that you should be driven by your emotions when you blog. Do it for fun otherwise it will end up being a fiasco.

2. Create meaningful content.


This one is pretty straightforward. While facebook might give you the carte blanche for posting things like, “I’m feeling excited to wear coconut leaves on top of the mountain”, the blogosphere will simply regard you as someone as thick as two short planks. When you blog, you have to articulate your thoughts and feelings lucidly. The 5W-1H is your best friend. Explain your sentiments. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the US National Library of Medicine, the average attention span of a human being has plummeted from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013, which is one second less than the attention span of a goldfish. Scary! So, always serve your audience with educative, inspiring and humorous blogs that will keep them hooked till the last sentence.

3. Focus on quality.

You know, good grammar is like personal hygiene-you can ignore it if you want, but don’t be surprised when people draw out their conclusions.

Guys, I’m not asking you to deliver in a ridiculously fake RP English either. The “Golly gosh! It has been yonks since one has last conversed with you, I must say. How d’you do?” is a no-no. You’ll be making a fool out of yourself. Cut the crap. It’s a bit much. You only have to master the rudimentary rules of grammar, punctuation marks and vocabulary. I advise you to avoid the “Haay wutt r yew doin?!” lest a random blogger replies, “about to throw a dictionary at your face”.

4. Be original.

The blogosphere is bursting at the seams with a considerable number of bloggers and the only way to set yourself apart is by confidently using your own voice. Let your personality dazzle through your words. Do not plagiarize, for plagiarism is the mark of the lowest of the lows.

“When you have wit of your own, it’s a pleasure to credit other people for theirs.” -Criss Jami 

When you quote something as I have done above, use quotation marks, provide a citation within the text and make sure to link the citation of the quoted material to the reference. By doing that, you will be scoring credibility points. Not to mention, you will sound like a professional.

5. Presentation

Without further ado, let’s get down to the next vital factor which is presentation. We might preach about not judging a book by its cover and bla-bla-bla but who turns heads in the street?

She does.

Quite similarly, the appearance of your blog matters a lot. Your blog post could contain the most groundbreaking content but if it doesn’t seem inviting, attractive and easy to navigate, you’re less likely to earn social shares or natural backlinks. Use colours, bullet points, photos and gifs, inter alia, as your props.

6. Encourage community.

You have to realise that there is no Sophia behind the screen on the other side of the world. There is a real walking, talking, living human who is probably going through the same struggles as you are. Successful bloggers respect other fellows in the blogosphere. They respond to comments left by their readers, they read, ‘like’ and ‘re-blog’ others’ posts. They are the ones who make friends all along and support them by showing blog-love. You have to be generous and considerate.

7. Consistency


The most-watched TV shows with the highest ratings are those that are broadcast consistently. In the same manner, maintaining consistency and frequency in your publishing schedule is a critical component of your success as a blogger. The more frequently you update your site with fresh content, the more chances you have to strengthen your SEO and be indexed higher by search engines. Readers will also notice your pattern, guesstimate your next blog and flock to your site at that particular time. It works wonders in the long-run.

In a nutshell, no successful blogger slid in on a shrimp sandwich. They worked hard, devoted ample time, resources and energy before they were recognized. Take it easy. Be patient. It’s not gonna happen overnight but with the proper techniques and efforts, you’ll get there, too.




Author: The Little Mermaid

My soul is an enthralling mystery, delicately concocted with some chaos and a little glee.

424 thoughts on “Propelling Your Blog As The Next Hot Ticket Item”

  1. 1000% percent accurate. Quality content and passion go hand in hand. If you enjoy what you are writing it will be better written and shine. Nice work.

      1. “Haay wutt r yew doin?!” lest a random blogger replies, “about to throw a dictionary at your face”.

        Still laughing at this. Thanks for sharing your magical discovery!

      1. I loved your blog post, so I wanted to share it with others. Yes, Chocotales has everything to do with chocolate. I love it, in all its forms. My teeth are way to sweet, I’m afraid.

  2. As a new blogger, this is one of the best advice articles I’ve come across!! I will certainly be applying these to my blog asap!! Keep up the great work!!

  3. How do I get onto Gmail for a wider distribution in the Social section where I find yours for instance. I don’t know the best avenue for this…Thanks!

    1. Hi there, concerning the technicality, I guess the Happiness engineers from Automattic would be more apt to look into your issue. They are always so helpful.

      If I try, I’d ask you to install the SHARETHIS plugin by going to your admin page and selecting ‘Plugins’> Add New.

      Then you search for ‘ShareThis’ and activate it. Once done, you select Settings> ShareThis and go about adding the Gmail social media icon to your list. I hope I was clear in my explanation and that it’s the only fly in the ointment in your blogging experience.

      Best of luck!

  4. Lil’ Mermaid, you are one of the funniest women I have met on the blogging circuit. You crack me up even when you’re being serious. I know I should be commenting on the quality of this post – but I can’t help thinking what a bundle of fun you are. Fantastic tips and hysterical illustrations btw! Now I must go over and respond as per your advice on #6 – you left a comment which I was going to respond to later, but I feel that I should do so right now in my bid to be ‘generous and supportive’. lol

    1. Aww Marie, you’re a darling. I’ve been told that I’m ‘funny’ by people I get to interact with daily. I don’t particularly vouch being one to be honest; but if I have the leeway to say what I want, when I want and to whom I want behind the shield of ‘funniness’, so be it! Haha!

      Happy holidays to you! Make the most of it.

      Hugs and kisses XO

      1. Thank you Lil’ Mermaid. I think when funny people are funny, they don’t realise – it’s a gift and it makes others happy to be around you and that is why I love visiting your blog. Happy holidays to you too dear one and hugs and kisses back! xo

    1. Likewise! Blogging success, for me, means fostering strong relationships with my readers. Even though I seek to share more, I end up learning more from them, which makes it an altogether pleasurable experience.

      All the best to you! X

  5. Definitely soon good advice here 😀 Point 6 is certainly one of the most important ones. If there is one thing that I have enjoyed most about blogging it is interacting with everyone. I really have met a couple of really cool people here, that have become very good blogging friends, which is awesome. Great post! 😊

  6. This post on how to be successful in blogging is so well written that there is very little one can add. Here are a few things that one might want to add to the list above. Once you have found your niche in the wide world of blogging, stay with the theme that your blog is all about. Find the right number of posts you are going to write and stick with it. Considering Little Mermaid’s warning about the short attention span of your readers, keep your post short and snappy and do not publish more than a type-written page. I found this post very useful and republish it with your kind permission, Little Mermaid.

    1. Peter, reffering to keeping a post short: It depends. Sometimes it’s necessary to present an idea or a thought in a broad manner to be sure to be understood.
      But sometimes I choose to write short and to explain in my comments what’s behind my thoughts.

    2. Hello Peter, thanks for leaving a valuable comment on this topic. It’s much appreciated. As for the length of a blog post, well, it really depends.

      A blog post should contain at least 300 words in order to rank well in the search engines. Long blog posts are better if you do not compromise on structure and readability. Some of my longest posts were featured on Yahoo!, which spiked my monthly number of visitors exponentially.

      Kopdundgestalt is right in a way. Sometimes, just to be on the safe side, it’s more appropriate to write around 300-800 words and elaborate the discussion in the comments section.

      Happy blogging to you, guys.

      1. Thank you so much for throwing some additional light on the topic of successful blogging! It was new to me how the big search engines respond to the length of a blog post. My suggestion to keep a post at a reasonable length was of course a subjective one merely based on personal experience with my own blog. Thanks again for the clarification on the ideal number of words!

  7. Thank you, so much. I value your recommendations, as yours is a blog I look to as a great example of blogging. I am interested in what makes a good blog but seem to recognize it when I see it. I really am not interested in being a “success” I just want a box to keep my thoughts in from moments of inspiration.

  8. The thing I like about this advice is that it includes a very important thing, which is you have to love your blog and enjoy writing it. A blog is not a means to gaining money, necessarily. If you blog for a while you notice how blogs disappear out of the blue. It’s because the blogger gave up, because it wasn’t their thing. I constantly talk to my friends about internet business in general because everybody seems to think that using the internet is going to make some money for them. You have to love your blog. Also, I enjoy reading about how you have to read blogs to be successful, as well as interact with them. That is so true. This is how it’s done. I’ve seen so many things about how to successfully blog and none of them compare with this list of advice here. Yay! You won the internet today! I have nothing to add, it’s all there, in my opinion.

  9. Thank you so much for this timely and much needed post. I started blogging 2 months back and I need all the help in the world to grow my site. Have a good day!! Waiting for more such advice posts..

  10. I read your Post carefully and I see with joy that, although young, I am not going very badly.
    Being authentic and maintaining your own style is essential. But I recognize that sometimes it is difficult not to get lost among so many possibilities and to get carried away by the excitement of getting followers.
    Congratulations for your blog!

    1. Hello Jorge! Well, it’s a good thing to gain more and more followers. But, if you allude to being proud without being vain, then I totally agree with you. A grounded, mature approach is important in blogging.

      Thank you very much for recognizing my efforts and all the best to you!

  11. Quality over Quantity… I agree… With the balance of being consistent…. I’ve posted when I just needed to keep my deadline, and I’ve had my loved ones call me out like “so you must’ve been in a rush with that post, huh?” OUCH!!! lol… Gotta love the ones that can keep it funk with ya’! Thanks Little Mermaid.

    1. Learning about the blogging etiquettes the hard way is a lot more interesting and enriching than reading one hundred articles on the same subject without writing anything. Take things positively-especially criticisms. They always prove to be constructive, in the end.

      Happy blogging to you! Hugs X

    1. Hi Carlos, I guess ‘pertinence’ is subjective given that there are a thousand niches and sub-niches in the blogosphere: from photography, cookery and art to poetry, business and finance. It’s vast. What might be pertinent to you, or to me, might not mean relevance to somebody else. You just have to excel in your respective field.

      Happy blogging! And thank you for your meaningful input in my previous post.

      1. Yes, Mermaid, you did well placing, I agree, and Thanks!!!
        It is necessary to focus, in my case, is The Truth that concerns The Lord, that is the subject of 100% Jesus.

  12. Wow, you made an impact. You think it just might be that you follow your own advice? Just saying…. Seriously great post and great advice. Thank you.

    1. Hello Debbie, I had this discussion on the ‘ideal’ word count for a post going on in my above comments. Please scroll up and read them. Should you need any further clarification, I’m here.

      Happy blogging to you! X

  13. Golly gosh and jimminy jillikers! I do declare that you have a nice writing style. Love the little tidbit on our declining attention span. .. What was I saying?

  14. Wonderful post. Thank you for sharing those points. As a new blogger learning step by step it is great to read your well stated advice. I am seeing what a wonderful community blogging is. I am writing for me but excited for the potential friendship I hope to make.

    1. Seriously! You are gonna build such a fruitful relationship with your readers that you’d swear you guys would have been best friends were it in real life.

      Have fun! All the best to you! X

    1. I agree! The blogosphere is truly a melting pot of a vast array of cultures, perspectives, backgrounds and traditions. Networking and building connections with different bloggers are the key ingredients in what makes blogging enriching.

      All the best to you Wallace!😊

  15. The beauty of blogging is definitely the opportunity to express with authenticity, honesty and most importantly from who you are. Then what is shared with others is then felt because it is an experience that has been lived by the writer and that wisdom is then recognised by others reading it too. Great blog post thank you.

        1. To be frank, I blog whenever my heart so desires. There’s no ‘right’ time, no rule and no pattern. Blogging is my hobby. It’s a way of sharing my knowledge and opinion on matters that I care. That’s all..

          Best wishes to you dear. May you find the inspiration to blog on what you hold to.

          Hugs X

  16. Its no wonder that 218 bloggers have shared their likings to this blog of yours. English is marvellous and one wonders whether it is a regular author of famous books who has penned this blog. Kudos to you.

      1. Inspite of having many comments from many many blogggers, still you thank each and everyone for their comments which i dont see in any one with that kind of patience.Your beauty matches with your patience.Lovely.

  17. Very nice and informative. Being new to the blogging world I find this to be very encouraging. Thank you!🙂 Love all the points too and will definitely use and encourage others to do the same.👍🏾😀

  18. Excellent pointers, and I am sure I could do with a few lessons on Grammar.. 🙂 the thing is to keep enjoying what you do..
    Have a beautiful weekend and Enjoy your festive season my friend.. Thank you for all your likes..
    Sue ❤

  19. Hi there mermaid, that’s some really great advice and there’s times we all need to follow it.
    I’ve been thinking about letting others post in my blog, would it be interesting? ☺️

    1. Guest blogging opportunities are incredibly beneficial in helping one to gain exposure in front of an altogether different audience. It’s challenging and fun at the same time. I think it works both ways- you can do guest posts on other bloggers’ sites or you can invite others to write for you. I haven’t tried it yet. Please give it a go and you let us know the outcome. X

  20. Thank you so much for taking the time to share these points so clearly and in a fun way! I will be sharing this, too! I have read other similar articles/posts too, but the GIFs (Ha!–which I hope to learn how to use! )–and a couple of other points you make are just great also–especially about using your own voice, being passionate, etc … Again, thanks!

  21. Love it!

    If I may add one thing? Be accessible. And by that, I mean that as a blogger, you should behave as if you are sitting across the table from your fellow bloggers. Engage them in your conversation, and the conversation becomes something special.

    Love your list!

    1. Exactly. Two-way communication is essential in forging strong relationships with your readers. They have to feel heard, appreciated and most importantly, feel free to share their own views. It’s enriching for both parties in this manner.

  22. Wow, great advice! Sad the attention span has diminished so much in such a short amount of time, but not surprising, there is plenty of evidence of it every day. If it continues at that pace in another decade or two it will be almost non existent.

    Love the facebook analogy too, I hardly go on FB anymore for that very reason you described, it’s mostly empty words filling up space, and rarely is there anything of value.

  23. Here’s another one: don’t let yourself get discouraged by low readership! Unless you are someone of note (like a well-known author), it’s highly unlikely for you to get lots of followers and readers overnight. We should be patient with ourselves. 🙂 And anyway, if the goal of blogging is to become super famous, a) that’s not likely to happen and b) we’d be in it for the wrong reason!

  24. The Little Mermaid, I quite enjoyed reading your article, it is inspiring to me, as I get started in the blogosphere- thank you for your candidacy and being real in your writing ✍️, can’t wait to put some of your tips into action 😺

      1. It Feels like I’m just beginning a new journey of writing and hopefully sharing beautiful photography, from all of my travels. I see so many bloggers out there, writing about their ‘adventures in foreign lands ‘. Having been a Photo & Video teacher, for the better part of my life, I would like to capture people’s imagination with my Tokyo experiences and Photo tips. So, I’m excited to get started, now that i have only one blog to cultivate. I’m going to reread this blog article, because you have such excellent tips in how to make your blog successful, thank you!! 🤓

  25. This was very good advice and maybe including Time as an invaluable element. It doesn’t mean much if all you have are likes but not many comments. . . which takes time from family, friends and sometimes when you don’t have it, you may get depressed. I’m just hoping to add “Be realistic” because if you are like me who works 50 hours a week, my numbers are good for what time I can spare. . . Your blog is wonderful and you are lucky to have the time to write comments and receive so many, too. 🍀

  26. Great tips! As one relatively new to blogging, it can be disheartening to write, what are in my opinion, quality posts and have five people read it. Haha But you’re right, passion about your subject is key. That keeps it fun. I’ll just keep plugging away. 🙂 I look forward to following you. Happy Holidays!

    1. It shouldn’t be disheartening at all. Write anyway. Be kind to other bloggers anyway. Maintain your consistency. Remember, you’ve just started. If your blog deserves it, it will be noticed someday. Trust me.

      All the best to you. I’m following you.☺

  27. I’ve just started book-blogging (please, follow me, everyone 😀 !!) and your post is SO timely – your points on passion consistency and originality are well made. Time is a big factor too – you need to put time into the blog to ensure you hit those benchmarks, and as everyone ‘s time is a valuable resource you want it to be a good experience for you & your audience. Thanks again, and looking forward to following you!

  28. This is really enlightening. Good tips to help upcoming bloggers find their way around in the “blogosphere”, instead of groping helplessly in the dark. You’re right, blogging does need time, CONSISTENCY and lots of effort. Ain’t no over-night “blow-up” to it.
    Instinctively I found myself wandering around your blog and I had me quite an adventure. Your poems are delicately wrought with feelings and vivid imagery. I also enjoyed your short stories (particularly The Forbidden Fruit). Your descriptions give mind mind little work to do when imagining.
    You should stop by GEOIDHEAD some time and have a look around. I’m quite certain you’d appreciate what you find there. Shalom.

  29. Bonjour ou Bonsoir

    Joyeux Noël mon ami amie !

    J’espère que le Père Noël sera généreux avec toi

    Si ce n’est pas le cas ne t’inquiète pas

    Sache que mon amitié pour toi vaut tout l’or du monde

    Ce petit message marrant pour Noël

    Que tu te rappelles combien notre relation amicale est importante pour moi.

    Je te présente par avance tous mes vœux de bonne année 2018

    Ton ami qui pense à toi

    Bisous Bernard

  30. Thanks for sharing! Patience has never been my strength, but I guess I won’t get far without it when blogging… Could you write an article about how you’ve started to onteract with other bloggers? Because I’m rather new to blogging and don’t know much about how to make friends in the blogosphere. xxx

    1. Aw! Interacting with others in the blogosphere is what truly makes blogging worthwhile and most of all, FUN!

      Blogging is much like ‘connecting the dots’ exercise. You join the dots which are the words that you write to create meaning steered in the right direction (towards your readers). The end goal is to produce a whole revealing object-friendship.

      As tips, I’d ask you to read other bloggers’ posts and to leave critical comments on their work. They will reciprocate. Be kind. Be true.

      All the best! X

  31. Reblogged this on Lane Burke – poet, traveller, person of letters and commented:
    It’s all about your passion. I needed to hear this today. Thank you.

  32. Lovely and honest post. Funny I am reading you for the first time and I bumped into this. God just spoke to me through you. This is my year to shine and your year to go higher.

      1. You’re welcome, I have been blogging for 10 years now, and am now going through a phase where i don’t know who my audience is, but your post has given me the inspiration to carry on trying. You must realise that the fact that your post has had such an effect on just one blogger/reader means that you have a wonderful talent for writing, I am looking forward to reading more.

  33. GREAT advice … all of it. I love blogging and have kept mine going since 2009. I guess there are different motives for blogging. I love getting the support and comments from the blogging community and friends of course. But I think I would blog if it was only for me … I love recording my adventures and thoughts for my own sake as well … it serves as a sort of journal that I can look back on.

  34. This was an insightful piece. I first ventured into land of blogging just a few months ago. I had literally zero idea on how to go about it. I was so self conscious and worried about perfection I did not tell anyone about it or try to market it on my other social media accounts.
    But this time around, I think I am doing it alright. I figured my niche. I have been so motivated to write. Because finally I understood what I wanted to accomplish with my blogging. I want to share my story. I want to help people who have similar story to me and this time im determined.

    1. Hello, Mark Twain said, “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” This also applies to blogging. The more you write, they better you will get. Perfection is an illusion. Noone writes perfectly. But the good ones write consistently. Please do share your story with the rest of the world. I’m sure it must have something in it.

      Happy blogging to you! X

    1. Hey there! This is the sixty-four thousand dollar question.

       I think the burnout, what we term as the “writer’s block” is inevitable. There’s no escaping this dark phase. Established bloggers, brilliant wordsmiths, freshers and every single person who blogs go through the burnout at some point. It may happen because expectations are too high, the passion has waned or because a person is mentally exhausted. Now the more realistic question should be- “How to successfully overcome the burnout?”

      Well, a change of environment and physical exercises might help. Brainstorming ideas in bullet points, reading books, listening to relaxing music, ect would be nice. However, my first advice to anyone struggling with the writer’s block is to keep a small journal and put pen to paper as often as possible.

      I hope I have answered your query. Best wishes to you. See you around. X


      1. The journal – yes. I’ve been away from writing for a few months, and recently bought a new journal. I’ve committed to writing something, anything, every day. It catches my interest. It ‘s a companion, waiting for me to paint its pages with glad colours. I don’t want to disappoint it! It’s a place to give, to live. Some say writing is not living, but I say it is.

        1. That was a wonderful thing to do, Diane. I wanted to launch ‘Project 365’ this year by urging bloggers to pen down their thoughts/activities/emotions daily in a journal. It’s a mental and emotional release therapy. In this current age of an overpowering dominion of social media, keeping a handwritten journal is a healthy way to connect with your own being at the end of the day. I salute your initiative.

          Very laudable!

  35. This post is really inspiring! Thank you Little Mermaid for sharing your advice with us, I agree 100% about writing with passion. I used to do the same thing, free my thoughts and emotions on diaries that I still read from time to time. You just reminded me that your emotions are an added value to everything you do 😊.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post darling. Indeed! Channeling emotions into art, music, poetry or blogging in a productive manner is the highest form of creative expression.

      Wish you all the very best. X

  36. Thanks for this post! I’m guilty of violating 6, 7, and occasionally 5! 🙈 I’m off to blogger jail for my crimes, but before I go, have a great new year!

    1. Oh! Please do not fret over it because I will be there to keep you company in blogger jail for violating consistency.

      Haha! But this only shows the common struggles of being a blogger. We are real and it’s normal.

      Wishing you all the best. X

  37. Oh wow, thank you for sharing your wisdom, my gorgeous darling soul sister. Hmm… I might need you to reblog my posts to get started on that road to success. 😃 You are awesome, truly! Much love to you, Urvashi. ❤ Warmest hugs. 🤗😘

    1. Hi my lovely! I will peruse your site during the week and surely reblog one of your posts as an ode to your love, support and priceless friendship.

      Have a great weekend, sweetheart! Hugs X

      1. Aww, thank you my gorgeous darling sister. If I were to have a sister, it would have to be you! And you don’t have to. I was kidding. Unless, you find one worth re-blogging. Much love and lotsa hugs. ☺🤗❤😘

  38. This is so helpful! Thank you for all of the likes on my page! I’m trying so hard to make it a blog that people enjoy visiting! It means so much to have you read my posts

    1. Hi Leeshi, I’m sorry I can’t help you much on your security settings. Please contact the engineers who work for WordPress for any technical issues. They have a customer-centric approach and I’m sure you’ll have your solutions in no time. I might also need their help on this, I guess.

  39. Thank you for the advice. As a new blogger I am very grateful when the veterans willingly offer to help. If you are ever overflowing with the desire to unload blogging advice to someone you can find me at Thanks again for the help!

  40. Thank you so much for sharing this. It can be demoralising when there are sites with tens of thousands of follows and I’m still limping along, figuring out widgets and other assorted techie things 🙂

    1. Hi there, ‘demoralising’ is too strong a word to use there. Please lemme explain. Most of the sites with hundreds of thousands of follows are owned by famous people-they might be international figures (renowned authors/chefs/beauticians/doctors/globetrotters). They have a large following by virtue of their professional background and passion. People seek out their help or advice. They’ve earned it- every like, every comment, every follow through hard work and patience.

      Now, there’s another category of bloggers-Category B as I’d call it-‘The conceited ones’. Do you know who they are? They are those who actually buy fake followers from a company thinking that by getting more followers, real people will take notice and start to shop in their stores. (One way to spot a blog with fake followers is by its extremely high number of follows and low engagement level in terms of likes and comments.) Conceited are also those who steal other people’s labour and pass them off as their own on their site.

      So, do you see? You shouldn’t worry about figures as such. Focus on writing good material instead. You will grow organically and this is the best way to flourish.

      All the best to you X

      1. That is kind of you to say…. But maybe someday the miles will not be so far. Perhaps you can ride and enjoy it wherever you are? (India?) Thanks and great weekend to you too, U!

  41. I have been blogging for about a year and sometimes I get down because I don’t have high numbers or any comments. Thanks for the reminder that everybody has to start somewhere!

  42. I love that you wrote letters to God as a kid! I never knew other people did that….
    I’d love my blog out there. Love what my original intention was to be actualized. I wanted my blog to be a place with loads of guest posts of people writing their reasons to live. I wanted everyone put there to believe in hope when it seems like the walls are caving in. Not something I know how to get out there. But blogging is for my own sake.
    Love and light

    1. Yes Eliza. I did write tons of letters, more specifically complaint letters to God each time my parents (or I’d rather say my mother) scolded me, whenever I felt alone, or when my exams results were not up to my expectations (I was crying for scoring 99% marks in my papers). I still remember those countless nights I would sob my heart out and not stop until I took a sheet of paper and penned down my anxieties. It was only after writing down my worries that I could sleep soundly. Ah! I was one peculiar kid! Haha! Did you also write to God?

      Your blogging mission is quite emboldening. I wish you all the success on this journey.

      Hugs and kisses X

      1. Oh yeah.

        I wrote letters/poems to god often. And then began writing back from god to myself… as though god was replying. Which was whatever I needed to hear. Sometimes what I’d say was quite surprising to me!

        At this point I don’t usually (write to god) although come to think of it I actually did just a couple of weeks ago.

        I love my blogging mission, it just hasn’t happened 🙂 Although I love that I posted reason 98 🙂

        Love and light..

  43. Thanks for these awesome tips… As a new blogger I’ve reached out for tips but never received help so im learning as i go along making rooky mistakes.. So a huge thanks…

  44. “Write better poetry and prose.” has become my motto for expansion. Your admonition to to also write MORE poetry and prose seems apt, as well. Thank you.

  45. Easily, the most inspiring gift I have been given — that is of course, “The Little Mermaid.” So many of us are writing about the conundrums that go on here in the USA and how this mess affects the minds, habits, and cultures of those who live in other parts of the world. Yet, here at “The Little Mermaid,” I find myself enthralled by how good the writing actually is at that. Thank you so very, very much for stopping by my blog at The Contemplative Thinker whilst inspiring me to remember what a pleasure it is to read. Thank you again!

    1. Aw Paul, thank you very much for the lovely compliments and for providing a positive feedback on my writings. It is heartening to know my blog is so much loved in the blogosphere.

      I’ll be glad to keep in touch with you. Drop by often.

      Best wishes X

  46. All great tips, especially the consistency one. I’m always afraid to post too much and turn off my few readers. Plus, not all posts will be as good as others so I try to only post ones that make me laugh. Should I just post for post’s sake? Also, if a blogger includes photos and gifs, they should all be attributed, too. Thanks again!

    1. Hi Pasty, there’s nothing as ‘posting too much’ while blogging. There is, however, an issue when one doesn’t post regularly and frequently. If what you are writing is sensible, educative or uplifting in a way, do not be afraid to hit the ‘publish’ button.

      All the best to you X

  47. If only the world could be taught the correct use of apostrophes overnight! I despair when people indicate plurals with an apostrophe! I know I’m not perfect with it but at least I try.
    And you are so right about passion when you are writing – when I was at university I got my best marks for the modules I had the most passion for, and the crappiest marks for the meh modules.

    1. Very true Ruby! As you’ve mentioned, blogging is a source of immense pleasure for me-a true labour of love; and perhaps this is why my website is flooded with words of encouragement from others each time I post. Blogging without passion is much like having passionless sex-you’d rather not do it.

      Best wishes X

    2. Oh, I am so with you on the use of correct grammar! I deviate sometimes to add emphasis or impact, but I find all that poor grammar out their extremely off putting.

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