Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017!

Warm greetings to my most cherished fellow friends out there! Yeah, I know it’s been a while but quite understandably, we are in the gleeful period of December and as most of you, I’m teeming with things to polish start..This is my last piece of writing for 2016 and I thought there could be no better way to wind-up the year than to indite a personal post. It’s gonna be fun, isn’t it?

Now enough about me, let’s get back to you. How’s the Yuletide season treating you? What have you guys been upto lately? Please share your thrilling adventures with all of us. Don’t forget! A joy shared is a joy doubled. On my side, the past fortnight was hectic. It’s still comparable to a Piccadilly Circus at my place. Some major renovation works are in progress and to be frank, if I got a dollar for every little donkey work that I’m performing, I’d already be a billionaire. This is the time of the year when it seems like you can’t go anywhere in your house without somebody recognizing you and giving you some household chores to do. Geez! Can you relate, also? Yet, I can’t continue to grouch because December is a special month for oh so many reasons. There’s a unique kind of feel in the atmosphere. December brings with it an ebullient joie de vivre, paralleled by a relaxed conviviality of togetherness among family and friends. Even Mother Nature cannot resist its impish charms; as we marvel at the delightful blossom of the flamboyant trees all around the island. It rains interesting festivals, pleasurable activities, delectable food and whatnot. Speaking candidly, I wish December came twelve times a year!

Besides revelling in the splendour of the jaunty merrymaking, I’ve been doing some introspective cogitation about my life, particularly mulling over my New Year’s resolutions and plans. Okay! I must confess-I don’t always stick to these and I know I’m not alone. Then why bother? Well, New Year’s resolutions are all about hopefulness and it’s been that way since forever. Personally, I make resolutions as a ritual to welcome the upcoming year on a positive note. Experts contend that if you publicly share your resolutions, you are letting others be aware of your goals and once you’ve involved others, you are more likely to take steps to achieve them. A few of my general resolutions include: to travel abroad solo, to earn more, to start a new hobby such as gardening, to sustain my healthy habits and to meet new people. Last but not the least, I pledge to blog more frequently and more consistently. The blogosphere is an amazing world full of wonderful folk and I’m excited to associate with each and every one of you. (This is a bit unrealistic, but nevermind!) And what are your New Year’s resolutions?

Furthermore, I want to seize this fine opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to you, 3 200 lovely individuals for continually encouraging and inspiring me in my creative endeavours. MERCI! I founded this blog in January and I’ve never looked back. I admit that I do not post very often but the unfailing love and generous support I have constantly received since the beginning is the reason I promise to be more active next year. I’ve come across a lot of incredible humans who enjoy the same passion as I do, who are working relentlessly to make this planet a better place to live in and who are impressive stars in their own right. Here, I’d take a moment to give a shout-out to Aquileana, Doctor Jonathan, Migueltio, Anne and Rich. Dear friends, you must have noticed-I’m neither into uploading ten posts per day and garnering one hundred likes per blog nor amassing thousands of followers. However, I’m very much into developing a meaningful relationship with you through my writing. I want to connect with you on a deeper level because you are worth a lot more than being just a random liker and a mere commentator. I value you as a person. I’m here to listen to you at your lowest, to laugh with you and to lift you up to your highest. This explains why you’ll find short blogs benignly deluged with lengthy comments. Haha! I feel blessed with your virtual friendship and I hope it only grows stronger through the years. I love you all to the moon and back! XOXO

Ho! Ho! Ho! Let me hasten to wish you happy holidays. May Santa Claus lavish you with humility and benevolence in your heart. May God bless you with kindness which will raise your soul and may He give you the courage to add up more shine and spread your brightest smiles to those you treasure. During this glorious season, please allow me to share how Jesus Christ would have His children observe his birth. Would it be marked by unrestrained consumerism and selfish acts of costly gift exchange? No! I quote Luke 14:12-14, “Then said he also to him that bade him, when thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just”. Friends, let us pray for that one outcast orphan from the shantytown, let us pray for that one despondent parent who has lost his only child in a savage bloodshed and let us pray for that one abandoned grandmother left in a home, for Christmas to them, is just another hellish nightmare.

To end this post, I hope that you make the most of the beauty, spirit and magic of this fantastic season. The miles that keep us apart do not stop the love and happiness I send to you and to your family this Christmas. Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2017! Let us all raise our glasses to celebrate love and peace! Cheers!

Hugs and kisses,

Urvashi-The Little Mermaid