Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017!

Warm greetings to my most cherished fellow friends out there! Yeah, I know it’s been a while but quite understandably, we are in the gleeful period of December and as most of you, I’m teeming with things to polish start..This is my last piece of writing for 2016 and I thought there could be no better way to wind-up the year than to indite a personal post. It’s gonna be fun, isn’t it?

Now enough about me, let’s get back to you. How’s the Yuletide season treating you? What have you guys been upto lately? Please share your thrilling adventures with all of us. Don’t forget! A joy shared is a joy doubled. On my side, the past fortnight was hectic. It’s still comparable to a Piccadilly Circus at my place. Some major renovation works are in progress and to be frank, if I got a dollar for every little donkey work that I’m performing, I’d already be a billionaire. This is the time of the year when it seems like you can’t go anywhere in your house without somebody recognizing you and giving you some household chores to do. Geez! Can you relate, also? Yet, I can’t continue to grouch because December is a special month for oh so many reasons. There’s a unique kind of feel in the atmosphere. December brings with it an ebullient joie de vivre, paralleled by a relaxed conviviality of togetherness among family and friends. Even Mother Nature cannot resist its impish charms; as we marvel at the delightful blossom of the flamboyant trees all around the island. It rains interesting festivals, pleasurable activities, delectable food and whatnot. Speaking candidly, I wish December came twelve times a year!

Besides revelling in the splendour of the jaunty merrymaking, I’ve been doing some introspective cogitation about my life, particularly mulling over my New Year’s resolutions and plans. Okay! I must confess-I don’t always stick to these and I know I’m not alone. Then why bother? Well, New Year’s resolutions are all about hopefulness and it’s been that way since forever. Personally, I make resolutions as a ritual to welcome the upcoming year on a positive note. Experts contend that if you publicly share your resolutions, you are letting others be aware of your goals and once you’ve involved others, you are more likely to take steps to achieve them. A few of my general resolutions include: to travel abroad solo, to earn more, to start a new hobby such as gardening, to sustain my healthy habits and to meet new people. Last but not the least, I pledge to blog more frequently and more consistently. The blogosphere is an amazing world full of wonderful folk and I’m excited to associate with each and every one of you. (This is a bit unrealistic, but nevermind!) And what are your New Year’s resolutions?

Furthermore, I want to seize this fine opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to you, 3 200 lovely individuals for continually encouraging and inspiring me in my creative endeavours. MERCI! I founded this blog in January and I’ve never looked back. I admit that I do not post very often but the unfailing love and generous support I have constantly received since the beginning is the reason I promise to be more active next year. I’ve come across a lot of incredible humans who enjoy the same passion as I do, who are working relentlessly to make this planet a better place to live in and who are impressive stars in their own right. Here, I’d take a moment to give a shout-out to Aquileana, Doctor Jonathan, Migueltio, Anne and Rich. Dear friends, you must have noticed-I’m neither into uploading ten posts per day and garnering one hundred likes per blog nor amassing thousands of followers. However, I’m very much into developing a meaningful relationship with you through my writing. I want to connect with you on a deeper level because you are worth a lot more than being just a random liker and a mere commentator. I value you as a person. I’m here to listen to you at your lowest, to laugh with you and to lift you up to your highest. This explains why you’ll find short blogs benignly deluged with lengthy comments. Haha! I feel blessed with your virtual friendship and I hope it only grows stronger through the years. I love you all to the moon and back! XOXO

Ho! Ho! Ho! Let me hasten to wish you happy holidays. May Santa Claus lavish you with humility and benevolence in your heart. May God bless you with kindness which will raise your soul and may He give you the courage to add up more shine and spread your brightest smiles to those you treasure. During this glorious season, please allow me to share how Jesus Christ would have His children observe his birth. Would it be marked by unrestrained consumerism and selfish acts of costly gift exchange? No! I quote Luke 14:12-14, “Then said he also to him that bade him, when thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just”. Friends, let us pray for that one outcast orphan from the shantytown, let us pray for that one despondent parent who has lost his only child in a savage bloodshed and let us pray for that one abandoned grandmother left in a home, for Christmas to them, is just another hellish nightmare.

To end this post, I hope that you make the most of the beauty, spirit and magic of this fantastic season. The miles that keep us apart do not stop the love and happiness I send to you and to your family this Christmas. Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2017! Let us all raise our glasses to celebrate love and peace! Cheers!

Hugs and kisses,

Urvashi-The Little Mermaid

Author: The Little Mermaid

My soul is an enthralling mystery, delicately concocted with some chaos and a little glee.

335 thoughts on “Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017!”

  1. Ah a challenge to us all as there is always something else we can do for others – not because we have to but because His love compels us. A blessed Christmas to you and may your resolutions be fulfilled. (Unfortunately when I discover that my resolutions basically depend on me to do something, they do not always seem so exciting.) Thanks for your posts. Does me good to read them. His blessings John

    1. Haha! This is the height of lethargy. Funny! Thanks for the nice wishes, John. May all the sweet enchantment of Christmas conspire to gladden your heart and fill your every desire. Happy New year!

      See you in 2017! Hugs X

  2. Thank you so very much for your kind, wise and encouraging words. You have already done a lot to make the most of the beauty, spirit and magic of this fantastic season and i hope your wishes all come true. Merry Christmas to you too and a happy new year. Blessings

  3. Thank you for this amazing post: can truly tell that this was written straight from the heart 😊 I hope you will have an amazing Christmas and a very happy new year: Best wishes 😀

  4. Hi my friend 😀 thanks so much for the shoutout… It means a lot, coming from you… I thought your blog was “older” so to speak… Wow, you are truly making a great job over here… Keep it up! ⭐
    As to Christmas, I feel that sometimes we forget the roots of this celebration. It is good to get the important things in our minds. It is not all just about gifts and parties, I guess. But about connecting with the people we love, our closest ones… I guess that´s why it might be a difficult time for many people as well. As to the New Year´s resolutions, I try to put a few important reminders of achievemenst I want to reach, goals, etc…. It is good to start a new year having at least certain direction, don´t you think!!!.
    Big virtual hugs and happy holidays to you! 😉

    1. Aw it feels great to hear from you darling. I’m thankful to have known someone as intelligent, big-hearted and charming as you are. Yes, it’s my 11 months anniversary as a blogger. Time flies.

      Resolutions indeed give us a sense of direction in marking the debut of a new year; upholding those is, well, another story. Haha!

      Have the best super twinkly, shiny and bright festive season ever my girl! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017!

      Hugs and kisses right back at you!

  5. Beautiful post and very heartfelt. I finished all of my Christmas shopping today and will spend the holidays with family. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! ❤

    1. Thank you! That’s a huge relief. I’m not yet done with shopping. *Sigh

      Make the most of your time with your closed ones. A family wrapped together would be the ideal gift for Christmas. Best wishes to you! X

  6. There is an Indian movie song carrying your name, making its humming recall in my mind as I read your thoughts on Christmas and new year. The song is as full of joyous effervescence as your subject narrative appears to bristle with, tempered by the sobering biblical quote reflective of the true spirit of charity and benevolence that the entire season ought to be commemorating. Enjoy your holidays dear one as warm wishes from my side wend its way to yours…xx xo.

  7. Wow Little Mermaid,
    You have brought me so much deep Christmas cheer and it is most appreciated.
    I’ve had a few people mention goals to me lately and I’m so thankful for that as it’s so easy to get caught up in the everyday, small picture and forget about the overall bigger picture. You sort of lose yourself in the pixels.
    I am needing to be more structured and organised next year. My daughter has a big exam in March so we need to prepare and she also got into dance team at her dance school, which means that she’s learning 4 different styles of dance. This is going to involve me quite a lot but luckily we’re a short walk from the studio.
    My son is also getting stuck into things next year and needing to become more organised so i’ll have my work cut out for the me there.
    Meanwhile, I have a couple of book writing projects which I’m working on and need to set some goals there.
    The house needs a lot of sorting out too.
    I think that’s about it.
    Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful & blessed New Year!
    xx Rowena

      1. Thanks very much, Little Mermaid. I am reaching out with both hands for success in 2017 and can feel it coming my way at last.
        Ditto for you.
        xx Rowena

  8. This was really a beautiful, and jolly blog. To answer your question, busy, busy getting ready for Christmas. I’m enjoying the extra time I have these days and made my first batch of jam yesterday! Anyways, I’m looking forward to the holidays and time with family. Have yourself a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year!🎉

      1. It is delicious! I used persimmons. My mother sent me a box of persimmons. She has done so for the past two years, and I thought I should find something to make with them. Well of all the recipes jam in the pressure cooker seemed pretty easy. Just persimmons, sugar, and lemon. Next time I will try raw honey to replace the sugar. It called for a lot of sugar so I reduced…way too much for me! Merry Christmas!

  9. You may not write as frequently as some, but the words you write are more powerful than most. Your words reflect a very special person with a kind heart and soul. Through life’s challenging times, rely on these qualities to see yourself through. Your qualities will impact many lives around you. I appreciate and am humbled by the personal “shout out” and want to thank you for the personal growth I experience from our virtual friendship. I truly appreciate all your support.
    I wish you a joyous and peaceful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks for the lovely, uplifting words Jonathan.

      You’ve got a very informative blog on health yourself. What impresses me with your work lies in the manner you deal with health issues-treating the causes rather than just the symptoms. Your holistic approach certainly allows for the physical and mental well-being of a person in the long term; which is a diametrically impossible feat to achieve had you emphasised solely on the use of chemical drugs. I have noticed that most of us are misguided by those who should have led the way and I respect you for being different from the 90% lot. Keep up the excellent Doc!

      May our friendship enrich us in 2017. Have a wonderful holiday season. X

      1. Thank you very much. I will continue to do my best at sharing REALISTIC and TRUTHFUL health/disease concepts so the consumer can make the best informed decision for their lives and the lives of their families.

        I look forward to reading more uplifting ideas on your blog site as we head into a new year filled with unknown adventures and opportuities. Wishing you much good health and happiness as you find your 2017 “hidden treasures.”

  10. Merry, merry, merry! What fun times to be had with family and friends. 🙂 Cogitating about life – that one line right there sums up my existence. LOL. Have a wonderful holiday season, Happy New Year and beyond. ❤

  11. I don’t know. It’s not like it was when I was little…or younger. It’s just…blah. I’m happy that more products go on sale this time of year. But the rest of life doesn’t seem to change that much. I can buy gifts for someone during any day of the year. I can take a day off throughout the year, as well. The Christmas season seems diluted with debates in politics or saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas or noting that Starbucks has a solid red cup this year. Whatever that’s supposed to mean. It all gives me a headache. I never knew a season could have the life sucked out of it to this extent. Still, I began wearing my Santa hat yesterday. That makes me smile. December usually makes me smile, but the eleven months prior to this one have been exhausting.

    1. Hi Eric, I understand your feelings. There’s no denying that Christmas was more enjoyable as kids-the fun in decorating the Christmas tree, the eagerness to open Christmas presents, the belief in Santa Claus and the magic of the season brought a nonpareil kind of enthusiasm to our spirit. Today, unfortunately, a consumerist Christmas characterised by huge sales and frivolous spending has replaced the traditional one which was primarily about quality time with family and friends.

      But I’m happy you wore your Santa hat. Just relax. Take it easy. You’ll be fine. 🙂

      See you in 2017. X

  12. wishing you great beauty
    now and the holiday found
    in each moment!
    perhaps someday you’ll
    actually see my blog!
    oh, and those who comment
    enjoy your dear words
    offered with a kind “reply” 🙂

  13. This is such a wonderful post, Urvashi, our beautiful little mermaid. It’s truly perfect for the holidays. Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for the shout out.
    I will have to think of my resolutions to share with you and then we can check up on each other. That traveling will allow you to meet new friends. Come my way. 🙂
    I love the Christmas thought and I will do my best to share the blessings with those who need blessings the most.
    You have a blessed merry Christmas, a fun-filled New Year’s Eve/Day and a prosperous 2017! Cheering you on to keep the resolutions! I’ll join you and work on making more money. 🙂 We’re working on getting more clients for Recruitment… I promise to be nice during the screening process of candidates for those clients. 🙂
    Enjoy dear friend. Lots of love and hugs xxx

    1. Hi my darling Anne, glad to hear from you. You live in South Africa, don’t you? I’m fascinated with its traditional culture and wildlife. Let’s say it’s on my travel wish list.😉

      Haha! Thanks for treating the applicants nicely. I know I can count on you for that. BECAUSE you are very sweet. Seriously!☺

      Have the most promising new year ahead. See you!

      Hugs and kisses X

      1. I’m sending out to the universe wishes for you my beautiful friend, little mermaid (did you ever share why the name?) to come this way. The country has varied cultures and there won’t be a shortage of traditional ones and traditions. Wildlife is aplenty. So there you go, I’ve given you enough motivation. 😀
        Thank you for the compliment. My business partner is the tough one so I guess I can be the sweet one. 😊🤗
        Yes, here’s to us reaching our goals and making our dreams come true.
        Lotsa love ❤️ and hugs 🤗

  14. I loved this post! Thank you and have a Merry Christmas too!! I look forward to reading your posts next year 🙂

  15. You have an amazing way with words, and it feels good to read something a little longer as well. I also like that you quoted the Bible. I would like to share my favorite verse with you because I feel it’s a great reminder for us to truly celebrate Christmas. Matthew 6, 19-21
    “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

  16. I agree to all you’ve said and share your feelings … my only question is … “Why?” … why does this feeling of sharing, of good deeds and grace come only in this period? Practically we need Jesus to be born 365 times? Each time on a different day … in a range of 365 years? That way … we will be so every day! I know and see some people’s houses that the Christmas decoration never gets taken down. Are these the people I should admire? Great post and my best wishes to you, your family and friends not forgetting followers & all those who come in your contact .

    1. Hi L.M.B, I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. You are right. Practising compassion and empathy should be an everyday manifestation of our virtues as a human. The birth of Jesus only serves as a reminder of the goodness that lies within us.

      Thanks for the comment. See you. X

      1. Every day … every time you show compassion and love, it is easy to love our friends … but what reward do we want for this? The greater reward will come from God when we love and forgive our enemie. Thats the true reward and what Christmass is all about.
        Ps. Easter is the greatest of all holidays … the ultimate secrifice… hope to be around and post something great.
        Yours Faithfully.

  17. Hey Urvashi, my Serenita, thank you so much for the wonderful shout out! You’re right, I care a lot about your blog. It’s the first one I go to when several show up after a fresh startup. Have a wonderful holiday time and don’t be shy about asking Santa for anything you want, even if it’s a Mercedes Benz. You are a truly wonderful woman! Hugs, Rich

  18. Beautiful! Couldn’t have said it better myself. Merry Christmas! Ariel is my favorite princess forever and ever. Thank you for liking a comment I made. It brought me here, and this post definitely was a special part of my morning. Have a nice day!

  19. And a Merry Christmas to you! Out of extreme concern for my country I’ve been raising the level of cheer and seem to be posting an advent of sorts..nothing to do with my usual ‘this is west Michigan’ stuff.

    In real life I’ve been listening to a lot of live music, from rock a billy, to jazz, to boy’s choirs, it’s all good. 🙂

  20. Beautiful post! Have a joyous Christmas and a sweet new year. (And, oh, New Year’s resolutions. Yeah, I should really start thinking about those . . . .)

  21. Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing that passage from Luke. It puts this season in perspective. Glad that you’re celebrating the blossoming trees on your island. Here in the northern latitudes we are enjoying a white Christmas with lots of snow!

  22. I’m with you, I post once a month and find myself turning unsubscribing from blogs that post everyday for gain of some sort. I like blogs that post a snippet out of their lives daily interesting and sometimes funny, but I don’t find 8 photographs of how someone rearranged the things on the coffee table worth my time. In general, if a person has a staff they can find enough things to post about daily, but usually it is someone else’s work reposted. But, there are times when I see some talented person turning out scores of work daily and I wish they would tell us how they get all that done everyday. I can barely get my regular stuff done during the day. And, you are so right, I wish we really could capture and keep the Christmas spirit all year. That would be heaven.

    1. Hi Ginene, I also prefer writing and reading quality materials once in a while rather than absorbing bland stuffs, for e.g what someone had for dinner or lunch, moreso how ‘cute’ a fetus looks. I’m like ‘SERIOUSLY, I DON’T CARE!’

      We seem to have reached the age of over-communication.

      All the best to you! X

  23. What a warm and thoughtful post! It is more important to share something special when you feel like it than be compelled to write a post everyday. I wish you a Merry Christmas and my resolution is to be healthy next year.

  24. A refreshing post – planting my thinking cap squarely in front of me!
    Hope you all have a warm, safe and happy season – and heartfelt wishes to those who will have none of those things, I sincerely hope 2017 will be better for you.

  25. What a beautiful post and so well written! I can’t wait to hear more from you next year. I’ll be praying for those you so thoughtfully mentioned ❤

  26. Have a wonderful magical Christmas and a healthy and positive New Year! Thank you, for the support you have given me in 2016 and I hope we can continue to support each other in 2017.

      1. Thank you 😀 I’m heavily concentrating on technique at the moment but you’re so right creativity to me is just as important. I hope you have a fabulous year too.
        All my best wishes

  27. You are wonderful!! Totally wonderful!! I wish you the greatest of days during Christmas, and New Years, that you could possibly imagine!! I love your writings. Write when you can, not to fill some demand. I send you all my ❤ and affection for a beautiful start to 2017!! xoxoxoxo

      1. X Thanks so much!! 🙂 You are wonderful!! I am doing well. I’m very busy now that the holidays are over but keeping up on writing and my new camera is great for more of my video cooking show. I have a new post on my page so I hope you catch it! I love your posts so much!!

  28. Hi Little Mermaid…Thanks for the reminder about the orphan, the poor and the widow. There is a verse in the Bible that speaks of the compassionate heart that God has for those who are hurting and alone…”Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27. In the rush of the Christmas season it is easy to forget that there are many who are suffering and feel hopeless during this time of year. I believe Jesus came to give US His Spirit that we might continue His work on the earth. That is the joy of Christmas. Btw…on this side of the planet it is -2 degrees F this morning with two feet of snow on the ground! It is beautiful but your place sounds a little more comfortable!!
    Merry Christmas!!

  29. It’s a wonderful post TLM. Amidst all the busy chaos in life, your blog was like a breath of fresh air. You brought out the essence of the festive season in such a beautiful way ! XOXO

  30. Hi there. I nominated you for the blogger recognition award as I follow your blog avidly. I hope you follow the rules which are listed on my upcoming blog post later today. Peace.

  31. Have a very Merry Christmas. For me this is a season of reconnection, with my sisters and their kids and grandkids all in the area. Great blessings of family to bring joy and smiles into a year of great loss. Joyous New Year to all!

  32. Thanx for the sweet wishes and Merry Christmas to u and Peaceful n wonderful New year to u!!!;

  33. Merry Christmas! I have been blogging since 2012, and it ebbs and flows. I follow a lot of blogs and read all posts that I like and make an effort tho comment sometimes. I used to write more and spent time doing research for many posts. These days, I’m happy to just create a post once or twice a week. It is wonderful to develop blogging friendships, as you expressed having experienced. Happy New Year!

  34. Yes, the festive season is meant for celebration, but I’m glad you talked about those who have suffered personal tragedy. They should not be forgotten, and I’m glad you reminded us.

    Happy 2017 to you!

  35. Wishing you all the best for this New Year,
    Let all the troubles melt in the flame of candles,
    And all the good things come into your life.
    Let us all raise our glasses to celebrate love and peace! Cheers
    Happy New Year! 🙂

  36. Hello. Thank you for enjoying my blog. Yes, it is another new year. Gosh, time seems to fly on by. Nevertheless, I will return. Take care now.

  37. I hope your Christmas was wonderful and the new year is as positive as your resolutions. It is so true that Jesus wants us to spend His birthday, and every other day, caring for and loving not only those around us but those in need.

  38. Hi there 🙂

    Thanks for the follow! How have you been and how’s your blog doing?
    I don’t know if you know that I moved my blog to a self-hosted platform. This has prevented me from connecting with WordPress bloggers like I used to. I would still like to remain in contact with your blog. Do you have an RSS feed I can subscribe to?
    If you would still like to follow my blog, may I add you to my mailing list? I send out one email per day with all the blogs posted for the day including blogging tips. You can also unsubscribe at any time if you feel you want to stop receiving the emails. If you are happy for me to subscribe you, please send me your email address.
    Also, I created a blogger tips group to connect with all my long last WordPress blogger friends, and to help all of us to learn from each other. I would love for you to share your knowledge in the group and connect with other bloggers. Here’s the link:
    Blogger Tips Group (

    Finally, here’s a blog I thought you may find interesting:
    The Ripple Effect of Blogging

    Best regards,
    Founder of Healthy Living

    1. Hi Greta, I’m doing good and you? You can subscribe to my blog by clicking on the ‘follow’ button at the bottom of the page.

      I’ll stay connected with yours too. Take care. X

  39. Bonjour ou bonsoir
    Par des mots simples

    Je viens déposer sur ton blog

    Quelques mots de bonheur et te donner de le joie en cette fin de semaine
    Vois-tu je t’ emmène sur des chemins

    Je les ai tracé pour toi principalement

    Sur ces chemins j’ai découvert
    Une pétale de rose pour effacer ta peine
    Un sourire d’enfant contre une larme
    Des mots que je dis à ceux que j’apprécie
    Dont tu fais réellement

    je te souhaite un bonne journée ou soirée

    gros bisous


    Je tire ma révérence LOL tu me troubles que j’en perds mon équilibre

  40. You are such a sweet soul–with a fantastic vocabulary I might add 🙂 And, thanks to you, Christmas came again today by virtue of this wonderful post….it is very heart warming and appreciated….thanks for sharing 🙂

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