Learning From Trees

“There is a lot to learn from trees: their graceful free spirit when they fluidly sway in the breeze, their munificence when they open-heartedly give us shade and sustenance, their dauntlessness in the wildest and most tumultuous of storms, their endurance during a scathing drought and, in particular, their forbearance when we go about destroying them without a second thought.”

-The Little Mermaid, MMXVIII

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Father-Daughter Relationship

“A dad is a daughter’s first love and he, by virtue of his exalted paternal stature, remains most influential in shaping how the daughter expects to be treated by men later on in her life. I am afraid good fathers indeed set the bar high.”

-The Little Mermaid, MMXVI

Protect Thyself

“A person may not say anything out of fear, wayward evasion or artful deceit; but his aura, without reserve, reveals everything. Learn to communicate with energies. They do not lie.”

-The Little Mermaid, MMXVIII

Religion & Politics

“Religion and politics are nothing but a stinking by-product of man’s gargantuan greed for power. The two evils go hand-in-hand; if politics is the rich man, religion is his unchaste mistress, both having a discreet love-hate relationship. Terrorism only happens to be their spoiled rotten love child whom they can neither extol nor disown.”

-The Little Mermaid, MMXVII


“The veritable competition never was, never is and never will be between you and another person. It is, au fond, all about ‘actual you’ versus ‘potential you’. Remember! In this game, you are either ahead of the curve or you are a diamond in the rough; and in both instances you do not draw to a close until victory is yours.” 

The Little Mermaid, MMXVII


It’s 2016. I have decided that I’m gonna start to speak my mind unapologetically by writing my absurdly wild thoughts within quotation marks and tag them as ‘The Little Mermaid’ to make them sound more credible so that people believe every shit that I rave about. Let’s just do it sassy and a wee bit smart-assy.

“If people actually made love to the mind and soul with the same flaming passion as they made to the physical body, we would have long had an illuminated generation of spiritually, morally and intellectually elevated species.” 

-The Little Mermaid, MMXVI

Stay Humane

“Feed a hungry mouth. Clothe a miserable body. Educate a poor being. Reach out to a depressed soul. Rescue an animal. Help as much as you can. Touch as many hearts as you go. Selflessly. Without expectations. The one and only approach for a human to live with stalwart dignity is by staying humane.”

-The Little Mermaid, MMXVI